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between the abstractions we want and the abstractions we get.

Dependent Types in TypeScript, Seriously

With dependent types, we can calculate types based on values. An introductory example is concat, with which the result vector should have the combined lengths of both parameters. m and n are natural numbers that can be added.

concat : Vect m a -> Vect n a -> Vect (m + n) a

It does imply that values must be available on type level for the calculation, as m and n above. This rules out most programming languages already, especially those mainstream. The glaring exception is, you would have guessed, TypeScript.

We will look at the enabling features first. If you are quite well versed, feel free to skip to the Variadic map example.

Values in / as types

It's quite common to see values used in types for day-to-day TypeScript code, for example:

type WeekendDay = 'Saturday' | 'Sunday';

More shockingly, blatant use of values as types.

type Foo = { bar: 'baz' };
type Hom = [ 1, 2, 3 ];

It's also routine to infer types from values.

const foo = { bar: 'baz' };
type Foo = typeof foo;

const hom = [ 1, 2, 3 ] as const;
type Hom = typeof hom;


A good starting point for any calculation is equality. It may seem impossible without === on type level, but there is extends.

type TypeEqual<T, U> = 
    T extends U
    ? U extends T
        ? true
        : false
    : false;

const n: number = 1;
const bothNumbers: TypeEqual<number, typeof n> = true;
const areEqual: TypeEqual<1, 1> = true;
const notEqual: TypeEqual<1, 2> = false;
// const notEqual: TypeEqual<number, string> = true; // won't compile

This roughly works as: if A >= B && B >= A then A == B.

Pattern matching

It's pretty standard to use extends + infer for pattern matching on type level.

The below example extracts the type of a foo field considering it can be nested differently.

type ExtractFoo<T> = 
    T extends { foo: infer U }
    ? U
    : T extends { bar: { foo: infer U } }
        ? U
        : never;

const withFoo1 = { foo: new Date() };
type Foo1 = ExtractFoo<typeof withFoo1>;    // Date

const withFoo2 = { bar: { foo: true } };
type Foo2 = ExtractFoo<typeof withFoo2>;    // boolean


The sharp-eyed reader would have noticed the much coveted opportunity for recursion in the above example, which turns out to be simple on type level too.

type ExtractFooRec<T> = 
    T extends { foo: infer U }
    ? U
    : T extends { bar: infer T1 }
        ? ExtractFooRec<T1>         // recursion!
        : never;

type FooRec1 = ExtractFooRec<typeof withFoo1>;    // Date

type FooRec2 = ExtractFooRec<typeof withFoo2>;    // boolean


Pattern matching tuples is essential for this post. The below example removes the readonly modifier (which is possible too!) from a tuple type.

type NoReadOnly<T> =
    T extends readonly [...infer U]
    ? U
    : T;

const tuple = [ 1, 'true', false ] as const;
type TupsReadonly = typeof tuple;       // readonly [1, "true", false]
type Tups = NoReadOnly<TupsReadonly>;   // [1, "true", false]

Collapse, entropy

Tuples especially need explicit typing or be marked with as const, otherwise they collapse to arrays of union types.

const collapsed = [ 1, 'true', false ]; // (string | number | boolean)[]

Entropy also exists for type alias as TypeScript is structurally typed, not nominally.

type TypeOfTrue<T> =
    T extends 'true'
    ? string
    : T extends true
        ? boolean
        : never;

type TrueDat = TypeOfTrue<'true'>;   // string, not TypeOfTrue<'true'> 

Variadic functions

Compared to as const, it appears less obtuse to conserve types for functions with flexible number of parameters.

declare function params<T extends any[]>(...params: T): T;
const ps = params(true, 'chocolate', 3);  // [boolean, string, number]

We will use either tuples or variadic functions for following examples. In most cases they should be inter-changeable.

Now we are ready for some dependent types!

Variadic map

Let's follow with another variadic function, this time as parameter mapper to function mapMany. Unlike the typical map function map : (mapper: a -> b) -> [a] -> [b], the number and types of following parameters depend on the parameters of the mapper function, for example, mapMany: (mapper: a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c].

We already know it's possible to type indefinite number of parameters with mapper<T extends any[]>(...parameters: T), what's less well-known is to use infer to restore the type of each element of T. Reversed entropy!

type ToArrays<T extends any[]> =
    T extends []
    ? []
    : T extends [infer T1, ...infer Ts]
        ? [T1[], ...ToArrays<Ts>]
        : never;

declare function mapMany<T extends any[], U>(mapper: (...ts: T) => U, ...ps: ToArrays<T>);

mapMany((a: string) => `${a}`, [ 'hello', 'world' ]);
mapMany((a: string, b: number) => `${a} ${b}`, [ 'hello', 'world' ], [ 2, 3 ]);

(There are suggestions the above example would be easier to understand if it's called zipMany).


Who would have guessed - concat is relatively trivial to type in TypeScript. In curried form below.

declare function concat<T extends any[]>(...ts: T): <U extends any[]>(...us: U) =>[...T, ...U];

const merged = concat(1, 'true')('hero', new Date());   // [number, string, string, Date]


We take advantage of pattern matching and type inference to inductively reconstruct a type for reverse.

type Reverse<T extends any[]> =
    T extends [infer T1, ...infer Ts]
    ? [ ...Reverse<Ts>, T1 ]
    : T;

declare function reverse<T extends any[]>(...ts: T): Reverse<T>;

const isReversed = reverse(1, true, 'hero');    // [string, boolean, number]

Remove element

Using a readonly tuple with literal values, it's possible to remove an element from a tuple on type level.

type Remove<T extends any[], U> =
    T extends [infer T1, ...infer Ts]
    ? TypeEqual<T1, U> extends true
        ? Ts                        // a match is found, remove T1 / U
        : [T1, ...Remove<Ts, U>]     // keep looking
    : T;

declare function remove<T extends readonly any[], U>(ts: T, t: U): Remove<NoReadOnly<T>, U>;

const oneLess = remove([ 1, 2, 3 ] as const, 2 as const);   // [1, 3]
const unchanged = remove([ 1, 2, 3 ] as const, 4 as const); // [1, 2, 3]

Peano number

While we can also define Peano numbers as tuples (which can be more convenient for other purposes. this later post shows how it is done), below is the more traditional object form.

type Nat = 0 | { suc: Nat };

Now let's utilise the clever trick of self-referenced JSON to initialise some natural numbers. They will be handy later on.

const nats = (() => ({
    0: 0,
    get 1 () { return { suc: nats[0] }; },
    get 2 () { return { suc: nats[1] }; },
    get 3 () { return { suc: nats[2] }; },
    get 4 () { return { suc: nats[3] }; }
} as const))();

type Nats = typeof nats;

Inductively we can add two natural numbers.

type NatAdd<N1 extends Nat, N2 extends Nat> =
    N2 extends 0
    ? N1
    : N2 extends { suc: infer N3 }
        ? N3 extends Nat
            ? NatAdd<{ suc: N1 }, N3>
            : never
        : never;

const nat4: NatAdd<Nats[1], Nats[3]> = nats[4];
// const nat3: NatAdd<Nats[1], Nats[2]> = nats[4]; // does not compile

Subtraction is much more verbose, but the idea is similar.

type NatMinus<N1 extends Nat, N2 extends Nat> =
    N2 extends 0
    ? N1
    : N1 extends { suc: infer N3 }
        ? N2 extends { suc: infer N4 }
            ? N3 extends Nat
                ? N4 extends Nat
                    ? NatMinus<N3, N4>
                    : never
                : never
            : never
        : never;

const nat1: NatMinus<Nats[4], Nats[3]> = nats[1];
// const nat2: NatMinus<Nats[3], Nats[1]> = nats[1]; // won't compile


It's also possible to calculate types from other types if there is a way to connect them. For example, the above Nats type connects / embeds normal numbers (as key) to Nat numbers (as value), so we can create a type that compares numbers.

type GTE<T1 extends Nat, T2 extends Nat> =
    TypeEqual<T1, T2> extends true
    ? true
    : T2 extends 0
        ? true
        : T1 extends { suc: infer T3 }
            ? T2 extends { suc: infer T4 }
                ? T3 extends Nat
                    ? T4 extends Nat
                        ? GTE<T3, T4>
                        : never
                    : never
                : never
            : false;

type NumGTE<N1 extends keyof Nats, N2 extends keyof Nats> = GTE<Nats[N1], Nats[N2]>;

const isGTE: NumGTE<2, 1> = true;
const notGTE: NumGTE<1, 2> = false;


To bring a few things together, IsOrdered enforces on type level that an array of numbers must be in order, be it descending or ascending.

type AnyGTE<T1, T2> =
    T1 extends keyof Nats
    ? T2 extends keyof Nats
        ? GTE<Nats[T1], Nats[T2]>
        : false
    : false;

type IsDesc<T extends any[]> =
    T extends []
    ? true
    : T extends [infer _]
        ? true
        : T extends [infer T1, infer T2, ...infer Ts]
            ? AnyGTE<T1, T2> extends true
                ? IsDesc<[T2, ...Ts]>
                : false
            : false;

type IsOrdered<T extends any[]> = 
    IsDesc<T> extends true
    ? true
    : IsDesc<Reverse<T>>;

const isAsc: IsOrdered<[ 1, 2, 3 ]> = true;
const isDesc: IsOrdered<[ 3, 2, 1 ]> = true;
const notOrdered: IsOrdered<[1, 3, 2]> = false;

And this is how we can use the types for first, a function that takes an array in order.

type FirstOf<T extends any[]> = T extends [ infer T1, ...infer _ ] ? T1 : never;

declare function first<T extends readonly any[]>(ns: T): IsOrdered<NoReadOnly<T>> extends true ? FirstOf<NoReadOnly<T>> : never;

const m1 = first([ 1, 2, 3 ] as const);   // 1
const m3 = first([ 3, 2, 1 ] as const);   // 3
const m_ = first([ 3, 2, 3 ] as const);   // never

That's it for now. Let me know if you find more interesting examples!

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