Hackle's blog
between the abstractions we want and the abstractions we get.

Linq is Lazier, not by too much, just within Range

Hardly the best way to, but it's during an unplanned live demo that I found out Linq got even lazier.

I was running my go-to example of Linq's laziness.

    Enumerable.Range(0, 100)
        .Select(x => {
            Console.WriteLine($"Fetching {x}");

            return x;

While someone with the for-loop state of mind may think "Fetching X" will be printed 100 times, thanks to the lazy nature of Linq, the actual number would be 11 - as the other 89 times of Console.WriteLine was made unnecessary by Skip(10) and First(). Try it out on dotnetfiddle.

11 was what I expected, but I was wrong! Because Linq got even better, or lazier.

To my bewilderment, using .Net 5.0, "Fetching X" was printed only ONCE. You heard me, not 100 times, not 11 times, but ONCE. Try it out.

While this did demonstrate good laziness (it's a good thing!), it was "too good to be true", and I was quite taken aback and seriously thought something was wrong.

After recovering from the shock, I thought I'd test it with another example that's equally lazy, maybe more extreme, and most definitely dangerous, typically presented in Haskell.

main = 
    let noSmallerThan5 = \x -> if x < 5 then (error "too small") else x
        from11 = drop 10 $ fmap noSmallerThan5 [0..100]
    in putStrLn $ show (from11 !! 0)

This outputs 10, although the program has to iterate over 10 elements, of which the first 5, if evaluated, will result in an error (equivalent of Exception if I may) "too small". But that doesn't happen, as these elements are made unnecessary by drop 10. Lazy. Can't get lazier than that.

Such dangerous stunts have not been possible in Linq before, at least not with .NET 4.7.2

public static void Main()
    var numbers = 
        Enumerable.Range(0, 1000)
            .Select(x => {
                if (x < 5) throw new Exception("Bom");

                return x;


This gives us an error,

Run-time exception (line 11): Bom Stack Trace: [System.Exception: Bom] at Program.b__0(Int32 x) :line 11 at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator2.MoveNext() at System.Linq.Enumerable.<SkipIterator>d__311.MoveNext() at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source) at Program.Main() :line 16

However, with .NET 5, the exact same code outputs 10, with no Exception thrown, just like the Haskell example. It's truly lazy, amazing!

I must admit at one point I got quite carried away, and went off trying it on different instances of IEnumerable, only to be frustrated, and found out this does not work for just any IEnumerable, not even the classic yield return, as is the previous implementation of Enumerable.Range.

static IEnumerable<int> RangeIterator(int start, int count) {
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) yield return start + i;

Turns out the magic only comes with the new implementation of Enumerable.Range, which may not be as elegant, but is definitely clever and sensible.

Here is how it works.

For a regular IEnumerable, calling Skip(10) requires iterating over 10 elements and the evaluating whatever expressions that have been built so far.

However, for Range(start, end), that's not really necessary. Skip(10) can be simply evaluated as Range(start + 10, end), which makes it a true "skip", as all 10 elements and their expressions are excluded completely.

Note this is possible because Range keeps tab of the index and count of elements, which is not always the case for any IEnumerable. But it does sound sensible for Array or List doesn't it? Turns out that is certainly the case.

As for implementation, this would require specialised Skip and Select, who are themselves both IEnumerable. Thus we find RangeIterator and SelectRangeIterator. You'd be able to find the specialisations for Array and List in the same repository.

More specifically, the Skip trick is done here in the name of "speed". Fair play!

public IPartition<int> Skip(int count)
    if (count >= _end - _start)
        return EmptyPartition<int>.Instance;

    return new RangeIterator(_start + count, _end - _start - count);

Worth mentioning the Range pull request dates back to May 2019, and preceding optimisation for List has been around for 6 years, so this has all been old news. This reporter feels out of the loop.