Hackle's blog
between the abstractions we want and the abstractions we get.

Types, names, and type superstition

"Names are not important, types are", so have I heard on more than one occasion, spoken for programming with static typing. Granted it is just another attention-grabbing blanket statement, however I do recognize it as a detox for under-utilization of types, and over-emphasis of names in main-stream programming.

Names or types? What really matters is whether code expresses its purpose well. The pitfalls usually falls into two kinds: over-specification, when names / types repeat each other in describing the same thing, or under-specification, when names / types do not express the purpose clearly enough. Let's see what they look like respectively.

The astute reader would have called out already that types also have names, so this names vs types debate is non-existent. To save the discussion at hand, we'll loosely refer to types as types of data, either primitive, complex, or user defined; names as the names of values, variables, parameters or functions. (Or possibly classes, but classes can be both types and names. It is further proof that this post is not to be taken seriously in a academic light, just like any post in this blog)


You'll see over-specification more often with Object Oriented Programming. A bit ironic, given the cliche "naming is hard". This is no coincidence - let's see why.

naming Class + Method + Parameters

Popular teaching such as SOLID plus naming conventions (such as to name classes with nouns, and methods with verbs), usually lead to code as below:

interface MemberService
    void SaveMember(Member member);

    // other methods

Alas, Member is specified 4 times, respectively in the interface name, the method name, the parameter type, and the parameter name.

While certainly not harmful, man this is repetitious! It's like "It's deja vu all over again." but twice as bad. We can certainly be more succinct. For a start, I would do

interface MemberService
    void Save(Member m);

Because the type Member provides enough information, I don't mind naming the parameter with a very minimalistic m. Even so, it still feels redundant, it would be ideal if we don't need to give it a name. And actually, there is!

interface MemberService
    Action<Member> Save;

(You may find the use of Action a bit exotic, but using Action or Func actually offers more flexibility than methods, for example, they can be changed at runtime).

With that, Save is reduced to something like Member -> void, which expresses its input and output (side-effect) adequately. See, names does not matter, sometimes they can be removed without much loss!

This is hardly surprising. Well, types have names too, so they can express themselves just fine!

The catch is then - we need to name types well too. For example, if instead of Member we use M, it would be hard to guess its meaning. Apparently, the more specific the type is, the better.

Naturally, this leads us to types with very broad meanings - primitive types.

Under specification

Primitive types offers very little meanings on their own, so naming values with such types becomes more important.


parseCode :: String -> Bool -> HTML

Believe it or not, this is a real-world example from a library I recently came across. This signature failed me completely, so I had to dig into the implementation to find out what parseCode really does: it translates a markdown code block to HTML. The code block can be fenced (indented, loosely speaking).

Apparently types like String and Bool are not helping here - they are too broad to offer any specific meaning. A common technique to improve this, is to use type alias, such as

type Code = String
type IsFenced = Bool

parseCode :: Code -> IsFenced -> HTML

Using type alias is usually very lightweight as there is no need of boxing and unboxing. The small inconvenience is that users will first need to learn what IsFenced / Code really are with an extra lookup.

This is where naming becomes useful, consider below code in TypeScript:

type HTML = string

function parseCode(code: String, isFenced: boolean): HTML {
    return "<div>yoneda</div>";

Where types fail, names shine.

You would have noticed that I also used a type alias for HTML, a nice feature of TypeScript. A small shame is when I try to use intellisense to inspect the type of parseCode, return type HTML is collapsed to string. I guess the upside is callers won't have to take an extra step to look up what HTML really is.

There are times even the best names can't help. For example, when parameters of the same primitive types sit next to each other, we can get callers in trouble.

int CalculateDiscount(int customerId, int orderId, int promoId)

Now the poor caller can mix up the order of customerId, orderId and promoId, and the compiler won't care as the types are satisfied, leading to strange if not disastrous behaviour at runtime. Naming them well won't really help much, not even making a type alias for each parameter.

Rather than arguing the user is at fault for not respecting the names of the parameters, we can create new types to make the mix-up impossible.

For example, in C# we can create classes / structs for each parameter.

class CustomerId { public int Id { get; set; } }
class OrderId { public int OrderId { get; set; } }
class PromoId { public int PromoId { get; set; } }

So CalculateDiscount becomes

int CalculateDiscount(CustomerId cId, OrderId oId, PromoId pId)

The caller now has enough context and is less likely to mistake one parameter for another.

However, if equality is required, which is only reasonable, we'll need to override Equals and GetHashCode for each class, what a chore! This is possibly why I don't see this done very often, despite the obvious benefits and it being strongly advocated by Domain Driven Design.

This is much easier in Haskell, where we would create new types as follows:

newtype CustomerId = CustomerId Int deriving Eq
newtype OrderId = OrderId Int deriving Eq
newtype PromoId = PromoId Int deriving Eq

calculateDiscount :: CustomerId -> OrderId -> PromoId -> Int

Note how cheap it is to create new types with derived equality. The trade-off is now we need to box and unbox for values in these types.

(And it's even easier in F#, see here for yourself)

just right

Excessive emphasis on the expressive power of types is often passionately spoken by programmers using languages with stronger type systems (or roughly, these championed by Haskell). When the emphasis is taken to the extreme, I affectionately refer to it as Type Superstition.

Make no mistake, Haskell's type system is truly amazing. As an example, I use Hoogle a lot to search for documentation of functions. Now get this - search on Hoogle is purely type based, or, I can use types to search for function! This tells us how expressive types can be. But does that mean names are not important in Haskell? I wouldn't say so.

One good example is reverse to reverse a list, which has the type reverse :: [a] -> [a]. If we just search by [a] -> [a], there is a host of functions with this type, such as cycle, init and tail. They each have different behaviours and are not to be mixed up. We have to refer to their names to tell them apart.

So if we are not on the extreme of programming in dynamic languages where static typing is not available and names are overwhelmingly important, with popular statically typed languages, in practice, we need both names and types, in the right combinations, to write expressive code.